Forums / Install & configuration / Error 500 Internal server error, and the URLs in EZP

Error 500 Internal server error, and the URLs in EZP

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jose rubio

Sunday 21 September 2003 2:01:06 pm

I get this error trying to access de user or admin sites, not during installation.

In my system: CGI php 4.3.3 with apache 1.3.27, I have dicovered that the cause is the way the url are formed.
Any url with the form

causes error 500, so EZP causes error 500 on all the links. If i use script.pgp?/something (note the ?) I do not get error 500

The cause behind this is unknown for me. (Maybe something related with CGI?) With Apache module it goes OK, but in my remote server with Ensim I cannot use module

On other site hosted in ( the server not causes error 500 but all the links are broken. Try

Any idea about the cause?

Bård Farstad

Monday 02 February 2004 11:59:28 pm

The reson for this is that eZ publish does not support PHP running in CGI mode. There are some patches available in this forum, but we do not guarantee that it will work.



Gustave Stresen-Reuter

Monday 12 July 2004 9:25:07 am

Thanks for the info that CGI is not supported. Could you go into any detail as to why it is not supported? My guess is that eZ Publish needs some sort of unrestricted access to the file system or Apache and in CGI mode, PHP runs as it's own user (usually quite separate from the rest of the system) while running as a module, it shares Apache's user.

Finding a resolution would be very helpful as many hosting providers will only run PHP as a module in safe mode (useless, I think, or can eZ Publish run fine in safe mode?).

Ted Stresen-Reuter