Forums / Install & configuration / Did you get Imagemagick to work on hosted webservice (webhotell)?

Did you get Imagemagick to work on hosted webservice (webhotell)?

Author Message

mikael lindqvist

Thursday 23 January 2003 6:15:27 am

...could you then please email me your image.ini and image.ini.php file.

(I got ez2x to work fine but not ez3 and soon I'm going nuts, lol).


email: [email protected]

mikael lindqvist

Thursday 23 January 2003 7:56:34 am

My ez site is at:

click on gallery and then any of the links (landscape, flowers etc) and notice that no image is generated.

My image.ini.php code is as below (I have tried to change values of useconvert and usegd, plus I tried to change convertpath from /usr/local/bin/ to /usr/local/bin/convert), no luck.

<?php /* #?ini charset="iso-8859-1"?





*/ ?>


> > ...could you then please email me your image.ini and
> > image.ini.php file.
> >
> > (I got ez2x to work fine but not ez3 and soon I'm going
> > nuts, lol).
> Why don't you show us your image.ini.php and the errors you
> get? This way, everyone else can learn from it.
> image.ini is only used when image.ini.php is not present!

mikael lindqvist

Thursday 23 January 2003 9:26:21 am

Well, I followed your directions but to no avail. The only thing that changed on my page was the fact that I didn't see the text "flowers" when I clicked on the link from Gallery section (only saw the "missing picture").

I also tried to remove the trailing / after bin...

...what to do, what to do ~ *big sigh*

> Take a look at:
> maybe this can help you
> Regards,
> Jos van der Vleuten

mikael lindqvist

Thursday 23 January 2003 10:25:41 am

Right, I just noticed the "debug" code on my ez site and I'm afraid that the messages look more intimidating than informative :(

But the question remains, is this the reason my images are not working on my site? (appears that other people with PHP 4.3 receive same error..)

> Some of you are getting this message:
> Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in
> wrong directory in
> /home/b/bd1/www/zone1/lib/ezutils/classes/ezsession.php on
> line 79
> This is a PHP 4.2.3 BUG, not a problem caused by Ez3. Some
> say it's source is safe_mode=on. To solve this, rewrite the
> Ez3 write routines or convince the provider to upgrade to
> php 4.3
> More info:

mikael lindqvist

Thursday 23 January 2003 3:14:41 pm

Ack, well, as I said in the beginning of this posting. If anyone managed to get ez3 working nicely on a webhost please email me.

...of course, anyone else willing to help me feel free to email me :>

> > Right, I just noticed the "debug" code on my ez site and
> I'm
> > afraid that the messages look more intimidating than
> > informative :(
> >
> > But the question remains, is this the reason my images
> are
> > not working on my site? (appears that other people with
> > 4.3 receive same error..)
> :( My GD is not working but I don't get open_basedir errors
> on php 4.3 on WinXP. My open_basedir has no value and
> safe_mode is off.
> Sorry, I thought I got it.

mikael lindqvist

Friday 24 January 2003 1:43:02 am

Klas, I take it that neither did you succeed to get the imagevariation to work on your webhost?

> > Some of you are getting this message:
> >
> > Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in
> > wrong directory in
> > /home/b/bd1/www/zone1/lib/ezutils/classes/ezsession.php
> on
> > line 79
> >
> > This is a PHP 4.2.3 BUG, not a problem caused by Ez3.
> Some
> > say it's source is safe_mode=on. To solve this, rewrite
> the
> > Ez3 write routines or convince the provider to upgrade
> to
> > php 4.3
> >
> > More info:
> >
> >
> OH NO!!! I have this Problem with 4.3 too!!!

mikael lindqvist

Monday 27 January 2003 10:14:41 am

Well, it worked! :>

However I now receive a new error message:

Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory in /home/b/bd1/www/zone1/lib/ezutils/classes/ezsession.php on line 79

I have no idea what that means (I have disabled cache in site.ini.php).

> [ConverterSettings]
> UseConvert=true
> UseGD=false
> [ShellSettings]
> ConvertPath=
> ConvertExecutable=/usr/local/bin/convert
> ...
> BR,
> Alex

Volker Lenz

Saturday 01 February 2003 3:46:48 am

Mikael, there's really a bug in ezp3-rc1 with image-magick path construction. I patched it yesterday.
Go there:

> ...could you then please email me your image.ini and
> image.ini.php file.
> (I got ez2x to work fine but not ez3 and soon I'm going
> nuts, lol).
> TIA,
> Mikael
> email: [email protected]