Sunday 16 December 2007 4:39:22 am
Trying to set up cronjobs to allow notification settings etc to work on eZP 4Alpha2 and not managing. Server is running PHP 5.1.6-3.4.fc6, MySQl 5.0.27-1.fc6 and Apache 2 (in prefork mode) When running runcronjobs.php through the PHP CLI manually from the directory with runcronjobs.php in it by typing the following at the command line: /usr/bin/php -C runcronjobs.php
I get the following error messages: PHP Warning: in_array(): Wrong datatype for second argument in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 1055
Error initializing script: database error: No database handler was found for ''.
the PHP Warning line repeats 5 times - looking at the code it's part of the debug functionality which is looping through an array (or so it seems to me). I get the same messages when using the -q -s site_access_name 2>&1 as well site.ini and cronjob.ini are pretty much as initially installed. I'm not very experienced with CLI or cron so I may be doing something stupid..... Wondering whether it's a bug and I need to upgrade to ezP 4.0 proper (and not sure how to do that if that's the case). Help hugely appreciated!