Forums / Install & configuration / Corrupt or missing files in download of 3.2?

Corrupt or missing files in download of 3.2?

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Sven Stabell

Saturday 20 September 2003 7:14:26 pm

I downlaoded 3.2 from this page:

and downloaded this:

Then I went to install it and all went well. However when I got to the 100% complete page and then clicked on the Admin, I went to the admin area, entered usernmae/password admin/publish, and th3en the page went blank. I re-installed a few times, and each time could not do anything after i clicked the "submit" button tha t page.

furthermore, that release has no demodata.sql! I did download 3.1, and it does have the demo data, but it too crashed after I enter the user/pass on the admin login page.

Any ideas about why i'm getting these errors?

The oddest thing is that after working on it for many hours, I went to sleep 2 nights ago, and the next morning, I could visit http://localhost/ez/index.php/plain_admin... but if I try to enter it again it crashes, so i install many more times and this morning when I awoke again, I COULD again visit http://localhost/ez/index.php/plain_admin..... it's almost like it is being reset somewhow... but I still can't get in.. :<

Any advice?
