Forums / Install & configuration / Content Classes

Content Classes

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Sunday 30 March 2003 4:47:52 pm


I installed v3 final and everything seemed to go fine. I didn't install the demo data. I now have two questions

1. When I go to the site address I get a login for the admin side while I want to see the content. Where can I change this?

2. When I try to create content in a folder I don't get all the classes in the guide e.g. no forums, forum messages etc. I only get folder, article, user group, user and image. Where are the other classes?

Thanks in advance


Oleg Krogius

Sunday 30 March 2003 8:14:23 pm

1. There should be a setting called "DefaultAccess" (or something laong those lines) in the site.ini.

Sergiy Pushchin

Monday 31 March 2003 12:25:17 am

If you do not install demo data you will have only kernel classes (folder, article, user group, user and image ) So if you want to have more classes you should install demo data or create them yourself.

-- SP

Karsten Jennissen

Monday 31 March 2003 3:46:11 am

1) Info is here:

(The Wiki is being ported to the user docs, it'll take while, though)

P.S.: I would install the demo data since that helps if you want to learn the system.