Forums / Install & configuration / Configuration ez flow

Configuration ez flow

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Bartosz Cebo

Monday 21 September 2009 12:15:39 am

Hi, I have 3 questions about the administration ez flow.
1. My page consists of the following headings: home, service, and knowledge. The "knowledge" I have a folder "news" and "opinions" in their articles that are posted on the homepage. How to make a folder "views" does not appear in the "knowledge" as a sub menu button, but his articles were visible on the first page.
2. As a "front page" to put direct links to files. pdf (ie, using a "block type" I can manage these links from admin panel) and whether they can download on the Internet other "block type" that you can install the ez flow
3. And the third question concerns the management maje banners. How to manage this, where to place your ad in the files to be visible in admin panel. The "block type" is a type of "banner," but there are two types of banners already defined. I apologize for my English I'm using google translate. Thanks for any help