Forums / Install & configuration / Conclusion:Multiply sites on one DB and one Ez instalation

Conclusion:Multiply sites on one DB and one Ez instalation

Author Message

Mor Vimmer

Tuesday 23 November 2004 9:11:13 am

Conclusion: Multiply sites on one DB and one Ez installation

So here I am, First timer with EZ.
I have followed the helpers instructions to create such sites, but, all I get is the user interface for 2 sites but when I am trying to get the admin side if either site, I get the message :
Module not found

The requested module tscm_admin could not be found.

Possible reasons for this are.
? The module name was misspelled, try changing the url.
? The module does not exist on this site.
? This site uses siteaccess matching in the url and you didn't supply one, try inserting a siteaccess name before the module in the url .

Does somebody have any idea why?

Egil Fujikawa Nes

Tuesday 14 December 2004 8:58:42 pm

Hi Mor

It is many things that can be wrong here. I guess you use hostmap since you will have two different sites, I read that as two different domain names.

You have to make a own subdomain for the admin interface. It is not possible to access the admin interface on index.php/plain_admin when you use hostmap.

Your site.ini should contain something like this as a minimum:


In my case here I have to make a folder in settings/siteaccess/ that is named gallery_admin where the settings files for my gallery_admin is located. You will only get one admin to both the sites.

I don't know if you have been trying this already but I hope I could be to some help.

Best regards

Egil Fujikawa Nes
Fujikawa Engenharia de Software Ltda

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