Forums / Install & configuration / Changed server but my site points to the old root directory

Changed server but my site points to the old root directory

Author Message

Juan Camilo

Tuesday 30 May 2006 8:57:32 am

Hello everybody

I had a eZ site in a folder called ezpublish inside my apache root directory. I needed to change my web server and move all the files and database to the new one and I had to leave everything in the apache root directory not in a subdirectory. I also changed my site.ini.append.php files in siteaccess but all images are being called from ezpublish/design/mysite/images/... when it should be just design/mysite/images/...

In site.ini.append.php settigs are something like this


Is there something else I should modify? Thanks.

liu spider

Tuesday 30 May 2006 10:23:15 am

did you try to clear your ez cache?
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Juan Camilo

Tuesday 30 May 2006 10:47:18 am

Yes. I even had to do it manually because I can't log in as the admin user, when I go to the login page, fill the form with my username and password and submit an error message appears saying "The requested URL /ezpublish/index.php/gallery_admin/user/login was not found on this server.", which means it is still searching in the ezpublish directory which does not exist.