Forums / Install & configuration / cannot upload more thatn 2 MB

cannot upload more thatn 2 MB

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Augusto César Díaz

Tuesday 14 June 2005 3:33:27 pm

I cannot upload more than 2 MB, i already changed the max_upload_size and post_something in php.ini, but it still says cannot upload due to php.ini max_upload directive.

im using windows2003 server, php4, mysql 4.1.10

ideas anybody ?

Augusto Cesar Diaz

kracker (the)

Tuesday 14 June 2005 4:23:23 pm


While you say your using <i>"windows2003 server, php4, mysql 4.1.10"</i>, you don't mention if your using the IIS web server or the Apache web server.

I think your using the Apache web server (most do :)

I have spoken in great detail on overcoming this problem (regardless of what operating system your using, GNU/Linux or Windows)



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Augusto César Díaz

Tuesday 14 June 2005 4:41:02 pm

yea, thanks man.

Im using apache, I tried everything but the last optional thing you put, i dont know where to, hehe

Augusto Cesar Diaz

François Xavier Lacroix

Wednesday 15 June 2005 2:21:17 am

maybe in the configuration file php.ini,
you may change the upload_max_filesize from 2mo to 16 or more...

; File Uploads ;

; Whether to allow HTTP file uploads.
file_uploads = On

; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 2M


Thomas Nunninger

Wednesday 15 June 2005 2:47:17 am

What do you mean with "optional thing"?

Perhaps you need to restart your webserver?

Do you have access to the apache configs or are you working with htaccess files?

Have a nice day


Augusto César Díaz

Wednesday 15 June 2005 7:16:23 am

Responding to François Xavier Lacroix, I already tried that, it has now 30M...


Responding to Thomas Nunninger, the optional thing I meant is in the article that kraker explained in detail, is the last one not really necesary because all upload forms have a default limit of 30M, so you shouldnt need to change unless you upload really big files

oh, im using ez 3.5.1

the exact message is:

The draft could not be stored.
Required data is either missing or is invalid:

File: The size of the uploaded file exceeds the limit set by the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.

and I have access to everything, is a dedicated server just for me :)


Augusto Cesar Diaz