Forums / Install & configuration / Cannot install in subdomain on hosted apache server

Cannot install in subdomain on hosted apache server

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hjp pallesen

Wednesday 29 March 2006 4:51:47 am

I have unpacked EZ Publish 3.7.4 and manually transfered the files to

<b>/var/subdomain/sub/html/ </b>
which seems to point to
because that's where the files eventually goes.

DOCUMENT_ROOT <b>is /var/www/html</b>
HTTP_HOST is <b></b>

I have rund the mysql scripts so the database i in place.

When I run the index.php I get to see the page but no images. They haven't got the right links.
E.g. source link to top image is
<b>img src="/var/subdomain/sub/html/design/standard/images/setup/eZ_setup_top.png</b>

and when I click the NEXT button I get to
and a HTTP 404 - page not found

Is there a ini file that can make it work or what else can be done

Kåre Køhler Høvik

Friday 31 March 2006 4:17:59 am


You need to either put your files below: <i>/var/www/html</i> or change the DOCUMENT_ROOT to <i>/var/www/sub</i>

Kåre Høvik