Forums / Install & configuration / Cannot connect to database with wizard

Cannot connect to database with wizard

Author Message

rick shepherd

Tuesday 28 September 2004 8:37:26 am

I don't understand this. I have created a database:

mysql> create database ezpublish2;

and users

mysql> grant all privileges on ezpublish.* to ezpublish@localhost identified by

then I go to the wizard and fill in:

Type MySQL
Servername: ezpublish (I presume?)
Username: ezpublish (I presume?)
Password: ezpublish (I presume?)
Socket (optional):

but still get the error message:

The database would not accept the connection, please review your settings and try again

Please help!! I really wan to try this becuase it may well be the one we buy!!

Rick Shepherd

Lazaro Ferreira

Tuesday 28 September 2004 9:21:40 am


if your database name is


then your grant sql is wrong :

should be

mysql> grant all privileges on ezpublish2.* to ezpublish@localhost identified by



rick shepherd

Wednesday 29 September 2004 12:13:55 am

OK, now I have created a new database:

mysql> create database ezno;

and a new user

mysql> grant all privileges on ezno.* to 'ezno'@'localhost' identified by 'ezno';

I then fill in the values:

Servername: ezno
Username: ezno
Password: ezno
Socket (optional): (blank)

and I still get

The database would not accept the connection, please review your settings and try again.

Any ideas??