Forums / Install & configuration / Can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong? can't edit

Can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong? can't edit

Author Message

Lee Sinclair

Thursday 25 March 2004 3:16:09 am

I quickly put this site together, a couple of days ago and got it working on my local computer:

I decided to run an install on a local ISP, and all seems to be fine except two things:

I can't edit any thing ( username and password are default still "admin" and "publish".

And the confirmation page does not show anything, i'm guessing these are related.

Anyhow, I would apprecate any ideas I've re-uploaded the packed many times and run through the install process, cleared out the database etc. but to no avail. I'm at wits end.


Alex Jones

Thursday 25 March 2004 7:31:45 am

Lee, try turning on debug mode. Open your site.ini.append for the site in question and:

--- From Documentation ---
Add the following lines at the end of the file:




When building a site, it is always a good idea to turn off the cache engines and enable debug output. When the "DebugOutput" is set to "Enabled", eZ publish will print a lot of debug related information right below the actual page that it has rendered. Use this information to solve problems. Debug output may be turned off at any time by setting "DebugOutput=" to "disabled".
--- End Documenation ---

That should show some errors allowing you to track down the problem, or at least provide more information for others to help.


[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>