Forums / Install & configuration / can not access other page then index

can not access other page then index

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Patrick Coté

Wednesday 24 December 2003 12:13:28 pm

I basicly can't access any other page than the index. either as the admin page...

I wish I could have a link or help regarding the install... I 'm very new to ez publish but jezz.... so much posibilities...

thank you



Lars Zwaan

Wednesday 24 December 2003 1:05:32 pm

I have the same problem, i installed ezpublish but i can only see the first eg the webshop, but i can't login on the admin page.
Also all the links are not working, i think i followed the documentation.
Can you please help me as i believe this is very usefull for me to use.


Patrick Coté

Wednesday 24 December 2003 1:29:20 pm

Hi lars, same problem here man, can't login the admin either...

I need some info aswell


Balazs Halasy

Thursday 25 December 2003 2:42:41 am

Good morning people,

Please tell us what you did and how you installed eZ publish. It would also be good to know which version you're trying to run (I assume latest stable, which is 3.3).


Patrick Coté

Thursday 25 December 2003 3:14:24 pm

Hi Balazs, thanks for your reply,

I did use 3.3 x-mas gift... ;-)

I did upload all files to my web/server. via FTP
I did initiate msql database on the server...prior to install

Beside I did not do too much since than, beside installing over and over. I did try to get the .htaccess working. no success.

I did reload and erase the files many time and than it did ask me to select my db again... did that 3-4 time......but still I can just look at the index...

anything you would like to know? in order to get this figure it out?



Patrick Coté

Thursday 25 December 2003 10:39:53 pm

Also... here is the error message error that I receive..

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.


Apache/1.3.27 Server at Port 80



Balazs Halasy

Friday 26 December 2003 4:06:10 am


I assume you did the following:

- Uploaded eZ publish to your server via FTP
(Why not just wget and tar zxfv as local user?)

- Created a MySQL database for eZ publish

- Started the setup wizard by surfing "index.php"

- Completed the setup wizard without problems

- Tried to access one of the links that appear at the
very last page of the setup wizard.

...and this is where the problem is, right? What kind of (site)access mode did you use when you installed eZ publish? If you're new to eZ publish, I suggest that you use the URL/URI (site)access mode (which is default). Take a look in the web server's error.log file. For example: "tail /var/log/apache/error.log". What does the log say when you try to access a page that doesn't work? Doesn't smell like a permission/ownership problem, the server would then respond with a 403, not 500. Weird.

By the way: Keep in mind that eZ publish doesn't work with PHP 5.x.x or Apache 2.x.x - you should use the latest version of Apache 1.3 and the latest version of PHP4. If you haven't seen/read this yet, the installation procedure is described in detail here:


Tomasz Cholewa

Friday 26 December 2003 5:21:14 am

eZ works on Apache 2.0.48, all you need to do is add a line in httpd.conf in <main server> or <virtual host> section contains:
AcceptPathInfo = On


Balazs Halasy

Friday 26 December 2003 5:24:14 am

OK, let me rephrase that:

As far as I'm concerned: We haven't had time to test eZ publish 100% with Apache 2.x - that's why we can't state that eZ publish works with 2.x without any problems. :-)


Patrick Coté

Friday 26 December 2003 9:01:15 am

thanks alot balazs

you are right to this point.. I did all above mentioned.

I tried to check out the log... nothing. in there

I'm not sure witch version of apache the server is using... I will ask.
it says that I have a - modperl for apache - and that the alias is - perl - ... not sure I understand all this but..would it be a setting or something...

my hosting co. use;
Apache/1.3.27 Server

Also when I try to install the .htacess file I first remove the .htaccess_root... and when I use the access one I can't access the index give me the same error message.

let me know if you think of anything..



Patrick Coté

Saturday 27 December 2003 9:39:30 am

Still can't access any other page beside the index 500 error is there any setting that I should do. I tried so many things here fellows.... I really need to be directed on the right way... thanks again,



Aaron Kassover

Friday 02 January 2004 6:23:17 pm

I am having a similar problem - nothing except for the index page works. I'm running it on Windows XP with IIS, if that makes a difference.

The install seems to work fine, but all I can see after that is the default page.

Any help is much appreciated. I'm really looking forward to getting this working!


Janez Dolinar

Friday 09 January 2004 12:34:02 am

Hello, this is my section of httpd.conf - working after I added AcceptPathInfo On into both my virtual hosts.

DocumentRoot /var/www/ezpublish
AcceptPathInfo On
<Location "/">
allow from
deny from all

DocumentRoot /var/www/ezpublish
AcceptPathInfo On
<Location "/">
allow from
deny from all