Forums / Install & configuration / Caching and storage, var/admin vs var/custom design, storing of images ?

Caching and storage, var/admin vs var/custom design, storing of images ?

Author Message

Tore Skobba

Friday 12 December 2003 8:14:00 am


I have installed EZ 3-2-3 and I am working on a site (note gsa is the name of the design, gsa_admin is admin). My problem is related to image uploading for articles. The problem is:

1: In Admin interface I add an image, this image is available in the admin interface, furthermore it is stored correctly in "var/gsa_admin/storeage.../"

2: But when viewing the site with the user design (gsa), then this image is not available. Checking the folder I note that "var/gsa/storeage/" does not contain the image anywhere.

From my "gsa_admin/site.ini.append"

Is this wrong? Becuase if I change it to:
VarDir=var/gsa then everything works!!! But then both design are cached in the same folder! Is this the correct way to do it?? Shouldnt each design have their own cache???


Gunnstein Lye

Wednesday 17 December 2003 9:46:21 am

Normally, a site uses the same cache folder for all site accesses. You can safely use the default settings for this.

Tore Skobba

Thursday 18 December 2003 1:33:43 am

So the default settings are "var" and not "var/your_design" ?

Gunnstein Lye

Thursday 18 December 2003 2:31:14 am

Yes. VarDir=var is the default. You rarely need to change this.

Balazs Halasy

Friday 19 December 2003 1:14:18 am

If you're running only one site with two siteaccesses (usually admin interface and user/public interface) then you don't need to change the default var setting. However, if you're planning to run several sites then you should use VarDir=var/site_one, VarDir=var/site_two, etc.
