Sunday 23 March 2003 11:01:51 am
Dear Lee, Your Problem A: how to ask questions ?
I don't know if you're familiar with Open Source, but I'd like to suggest you a good article from Eric S. Raymond, "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way" (at ). Quoting him : "We realize that there are many people who just want to use the software we write, and have no interest in learning technical details. For most people, a computer is merely a tool, a means to an end; they have more important things to do and lives to live. We acknowledge that, and don't expect everyone to take an interest in the technical matters that fascinate us. Nevertheless, our style of answering questions is tuned for people who do take such an interest and are willing to be active participants in problem-solving. That's not going to change." Your problem B : How to get answers ? I'm sure you're as delighted as I am to have free products. Unfortunately, it means that the people that do them don't get pay either (Amazing, isn't it ;) Fortunately, you can get Guaranteed answers. As you might have seen on the forum page "The open forums are supported by the eZ publish community. Buy basic support and you will get access to the closed forums. There you are guaranteed answers from the eZ crew within 5 days. "
Your Problem C: Am I the first to have this problem ? One of the few things to do when you have a question is to see if it hasn't been answered already. Guess what, this post on the forum titled "bye, bye ezPublish" was quite close from yours (yours weren't as crude and that's why I answer yours).
Your Problem D: I want it now ! Hey, I understand this problem... my 5 years son couldn't wait his birthday to get its gifts too ;) Have fun, Smile, be happy, life is short. Xavier P.S. This beeing said, I agree with most of the suggestions on the posts about the ez crew not sending enough messages to us.