Forums / Install & configuration / Bad permissions or something else ???

Bad permissions or something else ???

Author Message

Golvier Jean

Sunday 25 April 2004 6:46:09 am

Hi everybody,

I'm a ezpublish newbie. I tried the "news" website of version 3.3.4 on a cobalt raq4 and it works well but was very slow so I decided to put it on a Linux server and now I have some problems.

I unpack the download on a Debian distribution with Apache 1.3.26,PHP 4.3.6 and MySQL 3.23.49. Then I run the setup wizard and finish it; when I run user site everything seems to be OK but in the admin, Class and Section informations disappear on page Content and on page Users, Class and Name attributes are blank make it impossible to edit user group and manage the website.

I use to have good permissions on folders and restart the setup wizard, no result. I verify that php safe_mode and open_basedir restrictions were turned off.

Now, I need your help.

Maybe some more debug informations could make you find what's wrong :
<b>login page - admin</b>
Timing: Apr 25 2004 14:43:52
Module start 'user'
Notice: Apr 25 2004 14:43:52
eZTemplate: Loading template "user/login.tpl" with resource "design"
Timing: Apr 25 2004 14:43:52
Module end 'user'
Notice: Apr 25 2004 14:43:52
eZTemplate: Loading template "loginpagelayout.tpl" with resource "design"
Notice: Apr 25 2004 14:43:52
eZTemplate: Loading template "page_head.tpl" with resource "design"
Error: eZTemplate @ design/standard/templates/page_head.tpl:15[0] Apr 25 2004 14:43:52
Unknown template variable 'reverse_path' in namespace 'Path'
Notice: Apr 25 2004 14:43:52
eZTemplate: Loading template "link.tpl" with resource "design"
Notice: Apr 25 2004 14:43:52
eZTemplate: Loading template "page_copyright.tpl" with resource "design"
Timing: Apr 25 2004 14:43:52

<b>users page</b>
Timing: Apr 25 2004 14:35:33
Module start 'content'
Timing: Apr 25 2004 14:35:33
Module end 'content'
Notice: Apr 25 2004 14:35:33
eZTemplate: Loading template "pagelayout.tpl" with resource "design"
Notice: Apr 25 2004 14:35:33
eZTemplate: Loading template "page_head.tpl" with resource "design"
Error: eZTemplate @ design/standard/templates/page_head.tpl:15[0] Apr 25 2004 14:35:33
Unknown template variable 'reverse_path' in namespace 'Path'
Notice: Apr 25 2004 14:35:33
eZTemplate: Loading template "link.tpl" with resource "design"
Notice: Apr 25 2004 14:35:33
eZTemplate: Loading template "page_menuheadgray.tpl" with resource "design"
Notice: Apr 25 2004 14:35:33
eZTemplate: Loading template "page_menuheadgray.tpl" with resource "design"
Notice: Apr 25 2004 14:35:33
eZTemplate: Loading template "page_menuheadgray.tpl" with resource "design"
Notice: Apr 25 2004 14:35:33
eZTemplate: Loading template "page_menuheadselected.tpl" with resource "design"
Notice: Apr 25 2004 14:35:33
eZTemplate: Loading template "page_menuheadgray.tpl" with resource "design"
Notice: Apr 25 2004 14:35:33
eZTemplate: Loading template "page_menuheadgray.tpl" with resource "design"
Notice: Apr 25 2004 14:35:33
eZTemplate: Loading template "parts/user/menu.tpl" with resource "design"
Notice: Apr 25 2004 14:35:33
eZTemplate: Loading template "page_toppath.tpl" with resource "design"
Notice: Apr 25 2004 14:35:33
eZTemplate: Loading template "page_mainarea.tpl" with resource "design"
Notice: Apr 25 2004 14:35:33
eZTemplate: Loading template "page_warning.tpl" with resource "design"
Timing: Apr 25 2004 14:35:33


Golvier Jean

Monday 26 April 2004 1:09:14 am

I forgot to tell you that Php is set as apache module and not cgi
