Forums / Install & configuration / Backup and Recover procedure

Backup and Recover procedure

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Frode Marton Meling

Thursday 10 April 2003 5:30:57 am

Can someone give me a platform independent procedure on backing up the ezp and recover it?

What files is nessesary to backup from settings, design, var and so on.
How to backup the data from database.

And then how to recover.

I want to make a scheduled task that backups the site to another server twice a day. The server is now running Windows, but it is possible I will use a RedHat version when my portal is going "live".

Karsten Jennissen

Thursday 10 April 2003 6:08:05 am

Hi Frode,

the user how-to on moving to a new server should give you some help on this.
