Forums / Install & configuration / Are cookies mandatory to use (login) on eZ

Are cookies mandatory to use (login) on eZ

Author Message

Cometa Technologies

Tuesday 13 June 2006 1:35:13 am

Please, is a simple question I didn't find answered anywhere. Are cookies usage mandatory to use eZ?

We are trying to use ez with blocked cookies, using

php_value session.use_cookies 0
php_value session.use_trans_sid 1
php_value url_rewriter.tags a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=

in our .htaccess.

We would expect to see PHPSESSID in URLs generated by eZ we are not. We cannot login, see session variables, and we don't receive any error.

Please, this is vital to our development. Could someone throw any tips?

Thanks in advancce.


Tuesday 13 June 2006 2:31:22 am

If you need to login you need cookies... it will not work without

in eZSYS PHPSESSID is stripped out.

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