Forums / Install & configuration / Apache Not Starting

Apache Not Starting

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Geoff Burke

Friday 11 April 2003 4:17:22 pm

Can anyone help me by suggesting why my apache isn't starting after installing eZ Publish 3?

After uninstalling eZ Publish 2.2 - which I had installed and running as a test prior to downloading the latest release - I installed eZ Publish 3. Everything seemed to go fine, but the first sign of trouble was when I found I could not access the admin or demo pages.

It seems my web server won't run.

The eZpublish/apache1.3.27/eZ_apache.log file shows:

'http: bad user name apache
/opt/ezpublish/apache1.3.27/bin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started'

The installer showed no errors and one of the lines in the install.log file in the installer folder shows:

Starting Apache...done

So, everything seemingly went to plan.

The apache httpd.conf file has the 'User nobody' and 'Group nobody' lines commented out which might relate to the bad user name message. But that may be the way eZpublish handles users and groups.

Another point to note is that I still have another version of apache installed - but not running - elsewhere on my box (running redhat 7.2 by the way).

Any help would be appreciated.


p.s. A bit of research has since helped me figure out that 'http: bad user name apache' meant the web server was looking for a user named 'apache'. So, I added a user called 'apache' and tried to restart. The web server still did not start, but this time the error lessage was '(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address 1338'. This is ezpublish's default admin port.

Still need help.

Geoff Burke

Sunday 13 April 2003 4:18:09 pm

Good news...for me anyway. I finally got eZpublish 3 working.

For the record - and in case anyone else is interested - I uninstalled eZpublish 3 for the third time, then went through and looked for every file that mentioned eZpublish or apache (espcecially making sure httpd.conf was gone).

The thing that may have been the key was finding and deleting the file /var/state/ezpublish, which wasn't deleted with the uninstall.

After this, I re-installed and voila, it worked.

Now to learn how eZpublish works. Hopefully the easy part : )