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Apache configuration

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Børge Warvik

Tuesday 29 November 2005 4:00:52 am

I'm not sure this is the correct place to a question like this, but... here it goes...

I've been working around eZ Publish for a some days. Setting up the system on my local machine, and when I access the site I use the url "localhost". Then I changed it to be my static IP.

Access to the site has always been "localhost/index.php/blog" or the admin interface "localhost/index.php/blog_admin". The same goes with IP.

I would like to change this to IP = public interface. admin.IP = admin interface i.e. admin., can that be done?

Christian Johansen

Tuesday 29 November 2005 4:18:20 am

You'll need to set up a virtual host setup:

If you want admin. to work you need to set that up as a host in your windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts file. However, you can't mix a IP and domain name, so admin. will not be related to your localhost IP in any other way that those numbers are a part of the domain name you choose.

You can do this: set up this in your hosts file: blog.local

Then you complete the virtual host setup with those domains and you'll be able to access
http://blog.local and
allthough, only locally. Hope that helped a little

Børge Warvik

Tuesday 29 November 2005 5:16:39 am

Thanks, that helped.

That I can't do admin. is good to know.

By local do you meen localhost? Like admin.localhost?