Forums / Install & configuration / Apache AND IIS (specifics please?)
Scott Koegler
Tuesday 22 March 2005 7:03:41 am
I've seen many postings about running both Apache and IIS on a Windows server. I currently have apps running on my server under IIS but want to run EZ on the same server. I understand (I think) that I can continue to run my IIS apps on port 80 and (simply?) change Apache to run on another port... probably 8080.
Can someone tell me the specific changes I need to make in the Apache installation and where to make the changes? Also, what are the implications to visitors? do they need to add the port :8080 to the url if they want to visit?
Thanks... over my head already and only started.
Ćukasz Serwatka
Tuesday 22 March 2005 10:06:22 pm
Hi Scott,
Edit your httpd.conf file which is located in apache_root/conf dir and change default port 80 to 8080 in "Section 2: 'Main' server configuration" (1.3.33). Then you access your site http://localhost:8080Remember to restart Apache after configuration changes.
Personal website -> Blog (about eZ Publish) ->
Frederik Holljen
Wednesday 23 March 2005 12:31:29 am
and yep, your users would have to add the portnumber when they want to visit your site.