Forums / Install & configuration / Anyone successfully install EZ Publish on 1and1 hosting??

Anyone successfully install EZ Publish on 1and1 hosting??

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Jackson Hartsfield

Wednesday 01 September 2010 2:43:33 pm

And if so, what problems did you have to overcome?? I did get the initial errors below as well as a database error. Any suggestions??



1. Insufficient memory allocated to install eZ Publish


eZ Publish will not work correctly with a memory limit of 40M. It's highly recommended that you fix this.


Locate the php.ini settings file for your PHP installation. On unix systems, this is normally located at /etc/php.ini, on windows systems check the PHP installation path.

Open the php.ini file and change the memory_limit value to at least 64M, and press Next

If you are running eZ Publish in a shared host environment, contant your ISP to perform the changes


Ignore this test


2. allow_url_fopen ini setting is disabled


You need to alter your PHP settings, and enable the 'allow_url_fopen' setting in your php.ini file.

allow_url_fopen = On

Remember to restart your web server afterwards.


Note : Failure here will also cause failure to the accept_path_info test.


Ignore this test


3. AcceptPathInfo disabled or running in CGI mode


You need to enable AcceptPathInfo in your Apache config file, if you're using apache 2.x. If you're running apache 1.3, eZ Publish will not run in CGI mode.


Check the Apache documentation, or enter the following into your httpd.conf file.

AcceptPathInfo On

Remember to restart your web server afterwards.


Ignore this test



The database [db339530096] cannot be used, the setup wizard wants to create the site in [utf-8] but the database has been created using character set [iso-8859-1]. You will have to choose a database having support for [utf-8] or modify [db339530096] .(I also put up a screenshot at )

Greg McAvoy-Jensen

Wednesday 01 September 2010 7:49:54 pm

The PHP settings can often be overridden in such a scenario by creating a .htaccess file and placing it in the eZ Publish root directory. PHP settings can be added to it. Whether or not they will have effect depends on how the server is configured.

An example would be, I think:


php_value memory_limit 64M


Granite Horizon, Certified Developer of eZ Publish Web Solutions
Provider of the SaaS Solution Granite Horizon In The Cloud | | +1 916 647 6350 | California USA | @granitegreg

Jackson Hartsfield

Wednesday 01 September 2010 9:41:07 pm

Any clue about this database error:



The database [db339530096] cannot be used, the setup wizard wants to create the site in [utf-8] but the database has been created using character set [iso-8859-1]. You will have to choose a database having support for [utf-8] or modify [db339530096] .(I also put up a screenshot at )"

And of the database settings:

Getting this thing up and running is aggravating.



Greg McAvoy-Jensen

Thursday 02 September 2010 4:27:20 am

It would be fastest to re-create the database using the CREATE and GRANT commands found in the installation instructions. No need to spend a lot of time troubleshooting why the existing one isn't working. If you don't have access to mysql command line, or Linux command line, consider getting that--the time saved well worth the money. At the very least I recommend setting up your a environment on a server you have total control of (even if it's a Windows laptop).

An alternative might be to set up the msyql database on a different computer, then import that database into phpmyadmin.

Granite Horizon, Certified Developer of eZ Publish Web Solutions
Provider of the SaaS Solution Granite Horizon In The Cloud | | +1 916 647 6350 | California USA | @granitegreg