Forums / Install & configuration / Anonymous access problems

Anonymous access problems

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robbie van der blom

Friday 17 February 2006 3:09:19 am

I've set up several sections and assigned them to the anonymous user, but for some reason, it's not working. Have checked everything, reset the caches etc. but still getting the access denied etc. with a login screen.

I've only been experiencing this in 3.7.3, and haven't seen it in any other of the sites build using ez publish

Kristof Coomans

Friday 17 February 2006 3:29:12 am

Do you have the following in settings/override/site.ini.append(.php) or settings/siteaccess/<i>yoursiteaccessname</i>/site.ini.append(.php):


If so, set it to false.

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

robbie van der blom

Friday 17 February 2006 4:00:59 am

These were already put to false in both. I've already investigated this option ;).

Kristof Coomans

Saturday 18 February 2006 1:25:00 am

Did you get any errors or warnings in the debug output?

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

robbie van der blom

Saturday 18 February 2006 2:20:48 am

I found these two errors:

Function required:
 Module : content
 Function : read
 ClassID : 16
 MainNodeID : 59
Policies that didn't match:
 PolicyID : p_328
  Limitation : Section
  Required : 1, 
 PolicyID : p_328_34
  Limitation : Section
  Required : 1,

And this one:

Error ocurred using URI: /schutboom/index.php/schutboom/productgroepen

Hans Melis

Saturday 18 February 2006 2:59:08 am

Hi Robbie,

Have you checked the Anonymous user role (or whatever role you assigned to the anonymous user) to see if all data is still valid? Specifically, check the <b>user/login</b> permission. If the limitation says <b>SiteAccess()</b>, it's become invalid. Edit the policy and reselect the right siteaccess.

I've seen this happening in a few cases when upgrading to 3.6.5 or 3.7.3, but I haven't been able to pinpoint the exact problem. I suspect the new 64bitCompatibilityMode, although I'm not even 50% sure.


robbie van der blom

Saturday 18 February 2006 5:07:04 am


I found the issue and it is indeed somewhat that Hans pointed out. It's not the siteaccess however that's compromised, but it is the content part that incorrectly points to the section instead as to standard. As soon as i changed it, everything was fine.

If this is a bug Hans and you haven't filed it, I will file it as a bug as the behaviour indeed is not as expected.

Thankx for the input Kris and Hans.