admin login

Author Message

Jean Fitz

Tuesday 01 April 2003 4:08:50 am

I'm new to ezPublish and downloaded v. 3 for the first time
I installed it to server no problem (after coaxing webhost to install ImageMagick) but when I went to admin page to login, I got access denied! I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to setup login name and password - tried everything. After re-installing and hours of searching in various forums I downloaded the .pdf installation guide for v. 2.2. There it was:
login = admin password = publish
Just a tip for someone who may be new to ezPublish and is as simple and stunned as me!
Now that I'm in - the fun begins!

Stephen Choy

Wednesday 02 April 2003 7:16:34 am

As a completely new user, I also tried to install the latest version with the "Install with setup" mode. I managed to get to the first page of the demo screen (with demo data installed in mysql) but all the links seem to be faulty.

With the /var/log/httpd/error_log it says:

File does not exist: /var/www/html/ezpublish/index.php/admin

I am suspecting this referer problem might be associated with apache but
I am not sure. Any chance you could help?

(Pls go to to simulate the problem)

Thanks in advance.
