Tuesday 07 January 2003 4:39:41 am
> Hi (again)!
> I can't get rc1 to show the users "side of the story". I
> generate som content in the admin-interface, then I got to
> the user-page. But, oops, it only shows (some of) the
> content that is shown in the adminpage, NOT the asumed > result!
Did you install the demo data? If so two problems could be present:
1. There are template overrides for classes present, these overrides will sometimes only show parts of the object.
Look in design/user/override/templates/node/view/ and you'll see lots of files with class_1, class_2 inside the names. Theses are overrides for specific classes, if you remove (or move) them your page should work again.
2. There are roles active which limit the classes the anonymous user(default on user page) can see, this means that some children of objects won't be visible (this is intentional). Edit the roles policy to show all classes of content/read or add a new policy for specific class for content/read.
Documentation: http://ez.no/ez_publish/documentation
FAQ: http://ez.no/ez_publish/documentation/faq