Thursday 08 May 2003 2:31:53 pm
If you install directly in document_root, yet you are worried about the RewriteRules -- well, if you're in document_root and "index.php" is in the URLs then you don't need a RewriteRule. If you have RewriteRules for eZp3 to hide "index.php", you can add RewriteRules before that to trap access to those "other folder/subdirectories"; see the icons example in eZp3's doc/INSTALL. I think in site.ini.override.php you can use Host access, with "" for the "user" access. But then you need a way for admin... maybe "" for admin, unless your DNS allows things like URL access should work if "index.php" is part of the URL. eZp3 looks for "index.php" to find the directory. Keep in mind that httpd.conf might be searching for index.html, index.htm, index.php in that order, so if your RewriteRules do not specify a filename the wrong file might get started. If the problem only is wanting eZp3 to be the default page, but a URL with "ezpublish/index.php" is OK, you could use a redirect from index.html to ezpublish/index.php. You've seen pages with "click here if site does not start in 5 seconds", as manual backup for a javascript redirect. You might be able to make your Apache do redirect through .htaccess. (I have waded through relevant code in eZp3 and am pretty sure that is how it works. I can't get fetch() to work, but that is a problem at a different level.)