Forums / Install & configuration / a strange parse error

a strange parse error

Author Message

Toni Ascó

Wednesday 03 March 2004 2:55:46 am

i've been following the tscm tutorial to setup my own site. I started creating a plain site and then i've changed plain by secotur instead tscm, but otherwise is almost the same, but when i finish the first section of the tuorial (only setting up some overrides) i get the following error:

Parse error: parse error, expecting `')'' in /home/webs/atlantis/secotur/var/secotur/cache/override/override_1242749754.php on line 3

that file has this content:
$GLOBALS['eZOverrideTemplateCacheMap'] = array (

Obviously there's a missing ')' ;) but that file is automaticaly generated, and i don't see the error anywhere.

i'm using latest stable version of php and such, and well... i'm totally lost, any help would be appreciated.

Thanx in advance


EDIT: Problem solved, but must be stated somewhere that ./design/standard should have access permissions. That was the problem, now i can continue with the tutorial.