Forums / Install & configuration / 500 Internal Server Error when installation finishes

500 Internal Server Error when installation finishes

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Kjell Inge Sandvik

Thursday 10 March 2005 1:37:58 am

Hello all!

I'm completely new to eZpublish, and trying to install it on my WinXP-system with Apache v2.0.53, PHP v4.3.10 and MySQL v3.23.49. Everything works fine until the creation of database finishes at the end of the installation process.

Result: 500 Internal Server Error-page.

In the Apache error-log:
[Thu Mar 10 10:17:33 2005] [error] [client] File does not exist: I:/idocs/ezpublish/design/admin/stylesheets/admin.css, referer: http://localhost/ezpublish/index.php
[Thu Mar 10 10:17:33 2005] [error] [client] File does not exist: I:/idocs/ezpublish/design/admin/stylesheets/debug.css, referer: http://localhost/ezpublish/index.php
[Thu Mar 10 10:25:16 2005] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: php.exe, referer: http://localhost/ezpublish/index.php

What is wrong?

Sandvik Web & Data

Łukasz Serwatka

Thursday 10 March 2005 1:51:31 am

Hi Kjell,

Welcome to eZ publish Community!

What PHP info says about your API? Do you use PHP in CGI mode?

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Kjell Inge Sandvik

Thursday 10 March 2005 2:12:41 am

Hello Lukasz and thank you very much for your quick reply!

When running phpinfo(), the Server API variable is set to CGI/FastCGI

Sandvik Web & Data

Łukasz Serwatka

Thursday 10 March 2005 2:41:40 am

Hi Kjell,

If this possible I recommend to use PHP in Apache API (php module). Try to reconfigure your PHP. This is very easy.

Then run eZ publish installation once again and please write about the results.

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Kjell Inge Sandvik

Thursday 10 March 2005 3:33:42 am

Hello again :-)

Finally I got the Apache server to load PHP as a module, and all the extensions is now working fine (I think).

The only problem now, is that installer don't detect my MySQL-server.

Do I have to load the MySQL-server as a module in Apache too?

Sandvik Web & Data

Łukasz Serwatka

Thursday 10 March 2005 3:37:02 am

Perfect, copy dll files to system32 dir.

Note:  Windows users will need to enable php_mysql.dll inside of php.ini and
either copy libmysql.dll into the Windows system directory, or make it available to the PATH.

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Kjell Inge Sandvik

Thursday 10 March 2005 3:38:10 pm

I have now the php_mysql.dll-file in the php/extensions-directory and copied the libmySQL.dll into windows/system32.

The only problem now is that Apache don't can FIND the php_mysql.dll. I just get a warning when restarting Apache:
Unknown(): Unable to load dynamic library "D:/php4win/extensions/php_mysql.dll" - The specified module could not be found.

The extension-dir in php.ini is correct.

I know this isn't a supportforum for PHP/Apache, but maybe anyone knows what to do? I have never run PHP as a module before :-(

Sandvik Web & Data

Łukasz Serwatka

Thursday 10 March 2005 10:12:07 pm

Hi Kjell,

Try to comment this line with mysql extension and run Apache. If you copied your files to system dir should work.

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Kjell Inge Sandvik

Friday 11 March 2005 12:18:54 am

Thank you very much for you kind support, but still no luck :-(

At the finetuning-screen at det very start of the installation, just one message is stated: No databasehandler found


The installation procedure finds that I have MySQL, and are actually creating the tables. Only the content of the tables is not created it seems to me.

On the "Site Registration"-page, I choose not to register my site (just a testsite). When clicking Next, the page loads for about 5 minutes and then I get a time-out. The tables are created as said, but nothing more.

Those are the messages after time-out:

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 600 seconds exceeded in I:\idocs\ezpublish\lib\ezdb\classes\ezmysqldb.php on line 364

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 600 seconds exceeded in I:\idocs\ezpublish\lib\ezutils\classes\ezexecution.php on line 158

I remember that yesterday when I ran PHP as CGI, the tables were filled.

Any suggestions?

Sandvik Web & Data

Łukasz Serwatka

Friday 11 March 2005 12:37:32 am

Hi Kjell,

Make this steps,

Download the newes zip PHP package, unzip it. Install PHP as a module

Remember to copy dll files to system32

Then set max_execution_time to highest value in php.ini.
Create new DB and start with installation wizard.

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Kjell Inge Sandvik

Friday 11 March 2005 3:55:42 am

I have now reinstalled Apache, PHP and MySQL - copied all the dll's into windows/system32, but still the installation procedure don't generate the data into the tables... All I get is

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 600 seconds exceeded in I:\idocs\ezpublish\lib\ezdb\classes\ezmysqldb.php on line 364
Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish its request

The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.

after about 5 minutes...

And still the finetuning-screen at the beginning of the installation-procedure says: No database handlers...

Should I give up?

Sandvik Web & Data

Frederik Holljen

Friday 11 March 2005 4:02:46 am

What kind of hardware are you using?

Kjell Inge Sandvik

Friday 11 March 2005 4:11:28 am

Just an ordanary PC with Athlon 2400+ processor, MSI-motherboard, 1024 Mb ram and 2 x HD

The funny thing is that all seem to work okey (Apache, PHP and MySQL) but EzPublish's installationprocedure :-( (that is: tables are created, but no content in them - and then; fatal error).

Sandvik Web & Data

Frederik Holljen

Friday 11 March 2005 4:19:10 am

Have you tried using the windows installer? I suspect some sort of configuration dependent problem.

Jo Havik

Friday 11 March 2005 5:34:30 am

The Wamp server (contains apache, mysql, php) contains a setup which runs ezpublish nicely.

Wamp is available from

You will need to download the main package and the PHP 4 plugin. After installing both, click on the Wamp tray icon and select "Switch to PHP 4".

eZ Publish uses a file called .htaccess to redirect most browser requests to index.php. You have to enable the mod_rewrite module in Apache to avoid error messages when after copying .htaccess_root to .htaccess. Enable mod_rewrite by clicking the Wamp tray icon, select "Config Files" -> "httpd.conf" and remove the # before
#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
#AddModule mod_rewrite.c

Remember to restart apache (again, from the Wamp tray icon).

On some setups you might have to remove the first half of your .htaccess file to avoid server errors.

Jo Havik / jo.havik at

Kjell Inge Sandvik

Sunday 13 March 2005 2:15:44 pm

Have downloaded Wamp and the PHP 4 plugin. But when I try to start installation of EzPublish, I get the following fatal error:

Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this in i:\idocs\ezpublish\lib\ezutils\classes\ezdebug.php on line 198

Sandvik Web & Data

Jo Havik

Monday 14 March 2005 12:01:59 am

Did you remember to switch from PHP 5 to PHP 4 from the wamp tray icon?

PHP 5 will give the error message you describe.

Jo Havik / jo.havik at

Kjell Inge Sandvik

Monday 14 March 2005 5:42:02 am

Aah forgot that, but still I get that timeout-error... The installation script can't find any database-handlers, but creates the tables... Guess I have to return to CGI-mode...

Sandvik Web & Data

Kjell Inge Sandvik

Monday 14 March 2005 9:59:05 am

I have tried to setup EP manually now, and it actually starts!
On the login-screen, I'am presented with

No database connection could be made, the system might not behave properly.

Guess this has something to do with the installscript-error...

BUT: The database works! I can't see anything wrong with it, except that EP don't recognize the connection!

Sandvik Web & Data

Łukasz Serwatka

Monday 14 March 2005 10:22:24 pm

Hi Kjell,

Do you use personal firewall or other software for security? Could you tell us more about your OS?

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