Forums / Install & configuration / 403 Forbidden Error - .htaccess

403 Forbidden Error - .htaccess

Author Message

Manu Walt

Thursday 20 March 2008 8:57:35 am

hi all,

if found this problem about ten times in the forum. So many users have this problem but nobody has an answer.

i activate the default .htaccess and now it isn't possible to access to

when index.php is added, then it works.

I followed the hint in the htaccess:

# If you see "Forbidden" when trying to access root page of your site
# without 'index.php' appended, uncomment the following "Files" section.
# NOTE: replace "ezpublish-3.6.0" with base name of the directory
# where your eZ Publish intallation resides.
# e.g. base name of "/sites/ezpublish/ezpublish-3.6.0" is "ezpublish-3.6.0".

#<Files "ezpublish-3.6.0">
#   order allow,deny
#   allow from all

but it still don't work.

is there a solution for this problem?

thanks to all!

Michal Slocinski

Sunday 23 March 2008 3:46:25 am

Assuming you're using Apache - do you have index.php added to your DirectoryIndex directive in your httpd.conf?

cfan seaveal

Tuesday 11 November 2008 1:32:12 pm

Hi Manu,

I'm currently experiencing the same problem of 403 error, did you you finally get the answer?

If yes, would you share the solution.



Christian Rößler

Wednesday 12 November 2008 12:30:55 am


i found the default ezPublish's htaccess very uncommon and changed it to fit my needs - and the needs of my customers. Here is my htaccess:

RewriteEngine On
# treemenu
#RewriteRule content/treemenu/? /index_treemenu.php [L]

# any downloadable files (their extension), otherwise index.php
RewriteRule !\.(gif|jpe?g|png|css|js|html?|mov|ivr|jar|swf|xml|ico|cur)|var(.+)storage(.+)\.pdf|robots\.txt$ index.php [L]

DirectoryIndex index.php

The Most important part is the long line with those file-extensions. It says: Everything that does not ends with jpg,gif,robots.txt,... goes to index.php. Otherwise serve it directly to the client.

Also please take into account, that the long line is indeed ONE line, so pdf and robots.txt should be appended to it that it reads one line until index.php [L].
Please check that.

The reason for the Error 403 seems to be a false statement in your htaccess, disabled / tunred off mod_rewrite in the apache webserver and/or a small misconfiguration of apache in all.


Hannover, Germany