Forums / Install & configuration / 3.5.2 upgrading problem

3.5.2 upgrading problem

Author Message

Clemens T

Wednesday 11 May 2005 5:13:01 am

Heya, I did the following to go from 3.5.1 to 3.5.2:

- Updated the db with the update patch
- Removed the 3.5.1 install (made some backups first)
- Copied the 3.5.2 install on the website
- Ran the setup wizard
- Uploaded the 3.5.1 version of: design/mysite , settings/siteacess/mysite
- Changed /settings/override/site.ini.append.php
-> DefaultAccess=[mysite]
-> SiteList[]=[mysite]
-> AvailableSiteAccessList[]=[mysite]
-> Changed to good mail settings

Now, I get a login prompt on every page I'm at? And some of the template functionality has changed compared to how it acts on 3.5.1, which seems to have to with relations. Can anyone assist me on this problem? Thanks a lot,

kracker (the)

Wednesday 11 May 2005 6:11:30 am


This is because you have tried (incorrectly) to change the name of your siteaccess used in your site during the upgrade.

1. You must add a new siteaccess to the Admin -> User Accounts -> Roles and policies -> Edit : Anonymous (Role) .. before you try to use it.

The siteaccess you are allowed to use (user permission, hence the login error) used is stored in the database.

And while you could hack the database to change it ... don't.

The correct solution is to revert to your original siteaccess 'name' (only detail that's important here), then it will work again.

<b>Then</b>, login to the admin and add a new siteaccess into the Admin -> User Accounts -> Roles and policies -> Edit : Anonymous (Role) add a new entry for the anonymous user for your new siteaccess.


 user       login       SiteAccess( special_user )

But don't let it get you down, I can't begin to tell you how much time I've spent learning every way you can break eZ publish and in turn then learning the <i>right way</i> to avoid these fopaux, mines, pot holes, embankments, cliffs ...


<b>Sole : Sebago</b>

Member since: 2001.07.13 ||

Clemens T

Wednesday 11 May 2005 6:41:59 am

OK, I'll try this lateron.I'll let you know if it works!

Clemens T

Wednesday 11 May 2005 6:47:34 am

Thanks for the encouragement as well, I'm very interested in EzPublish, and I will not stop until I know exactly what is going on ;)!