Forums / Install & configuration

Install & configuration

eZ Publish runs on many different platforms. This forum is dedicated to questions regarding the installation and configuration of eZ Publish.

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Topic Author Replies

problem with kernel_schema.sql, ezPublish 3.7.2

Replies: 4

Links Location does not show

Replies: 0

I can't see the images, After moving a site

Replies: 6 Internal server error

Replies: 2

Migrate to a new server

Replies: 1

Help! How do I run eZ Publish?

Replies: 2

migrating sites from vh host to nvh in cgi mode host

Replies: 1

Images disappeared after upgrade

Replies: 3

running upgrade scripts

Replies: 3

Problem when I charge eZ/index.php/plain

Replies: 1

User Site - URL Problem

Replies: 0

mySQL update from 3.6.0 to 3.7.2 ?

Replies: 2

Upgrade to 3.7 Issues

Replies: 8

change 3.6.0 to 3.7.2

Replies: 1

Error to connect LDAP Server

Replies: 2

ezpublish on open suse 10.0

Replies: 3

Debian PHP 4.4 package actually installs 4.3?

Replies: 9

total server package - will it work?

Replies: 4

Getting 404 Errors all over the place but index works

Replies: 0

Unable to install modules

Replies: 0