Forums / Install & configuration

Install & configuration

eZ Publish runs on many different platforms. This forum is dedicated to questions regarding the installation and configuration of eZ Publish.

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Topic Author Replies

What language to use with updateclasstranslations?

Replies: 3

Fatal error, when installing ez publish 3.9

Replies: 2

Plain site with eZ Publish 3.9

Replies: 1

Need help to change the admin interface language

Replies: 3

Installation problem with charater set of the db

Replies: 4

Reset rights on mysql tables

Replies: 1

AcceptPathInfo / CGI system check

Replies: 4

override.ini in manual installation

Replies: 15

Internal Server Error installing EZ 3.9

Replies: 2


Replies: 3

ldap groups in ez 3.9

Replies: 4

is it possible to browse by node id ?

Pages: 1 2

Replies: 35

User register fails after upgrade to ezpublish 3.9

Replies: 2

The requested page could not be displayed. (22)

Replies: 1

Translating names of classes and class attributes

Replies: 1

Upgrade from 3.8.6 to 3.9 failed

Replies: 2

3.9: Install fails with standard mysql 5.0.x

Replies: 1

image properties

Replies: 0

3.8 & 3.9 installs fail with same symptoms

Replies: 3

3.9 Update Class Translations problem on Postgres DB

Replies: 0