Forums / General / using mac's spotlight for .tpl and .php

using mac's spotlight for .tpl and .php

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*- pike

Sunday 21 October 2007 4:52:12 am


I had to do much textchanges throughout a ezp site. I was using BBEdit's "find in files", but it took ages for each string. So I wanted to use Mac's "spotlight" - which does content indexing. Alas, it didn't index php and tpl files. Now it does, and here's what I did:

I read these:
And set to work.

For PHP first.

check if php is a recognized extension. open a terminal and type

mdimport -n -d1 myfile.php

where myfile.php actually exists. This returns something like

Import 'myfile.php' type 'public.php-script' no mdimporter

This says two things:
- the extension "php" is mapped to "public.php-script"
- there is nothing indexing "public.php-script"

To fix the second thing, let's add public.php-script to


if you've installed Apples Developer Tools, you'd better add it to


Find that file, rightclick, "show package contents". Open "info.plist",
and to the LSItemContentTypes, add one entry for "public.php-script".
Save it. In the terminal, type

mdimport -r /System/Library/Spotlight/RichText.mdimporter

which will return with

Asking the server to index files of type: ....

Now perform a spotlight search for "print" and watch php files roll in.


Now for tpl. Check if tpl is a recognized extension. open a terminal and type

 mdimport -n -d1 myfile.tpl

where myfile. tpl actually exists. This returns something like

Import 'myfile. tpl' type 'dyn.456fhj8679fhgjhdf' no mdimporter

This says two things:
- the extension "tpl" is mapped to "dyn.456fhj8679fhgjhdf"
- there is nothing indexing "dyn.456fhj8679fhgjhdf"

To fix the first thing, we have to add a UTI for extension ".tpl"
To do this, I downloaded,
unzipped it, rightclicked, "show package contents". Open "info.plist",
and added one entry for extension ".tpl", mapping it to "no.ez.template".

Then, I put the bundle in my Applications folder and rebooted.
After rebooting, I opened a terminal and typed

mdimport -n -d1 myfile.tpl

This returns something like

Import 'myfile. tpl' type 'no.ez.template' no mdimporter

This says two things:
- the extension "tpl" is now mapped to "no.ez.template"
- there is nothing indexing "no.ez.template" yet

As with the php example, I edited


I opened "info.plist", and to the LSItemContentTypes, added one entry for "no.ez.template". Then I went to the terminal and typed

mdimport -r /System/Library/Spotlight/RichText.mdimporter

And in spotlight, I did a search for


.. and waited for the templates to roll in ..

wow :-)

The class eZContentObjectTreeNode does.

Ole Morten Halvorsen

Monday 22 October 2007 2:44:08 am

Cool! Thanks for the tip. Spotlight is supposedly faster in Leopard so this will be even more useful in the a week or so :)

Ole M.

Senior Software Engineer - Vision with Technology

eZ Certified Developer