Sunday 21 October 2007 4:52:12 am
Hi I had to do much textchanges throughout a ezp site. I was using BBEdit's "find in files", but it took ages for each string. So I wanted to use Mac's "spotlight" - which does content indexing. Alas, it didn't index php and tpl files. Now it does, and here's what I did:
I read these: And set to work. For PHP first. check if php is a recognized extension. open a terminal and type mdimport -n -d1 myfile.php
where myfile.php actually exists. This returns something like Import 'myfile.php' type 'public.php-script' no mdimporter
This says two things:
- the extension "php" is mapped to "public.php-script" - there is nothing indexing "public.php-script" To fix the second thing, let's add public.php-script to /System/Library/Spotlight/RichText.mdimporter
if you've installed Apples Developer Tools, you'd better add it to /Library/Spotlight/SourceCode.mdimporter
Find that file, rightclick, "show package contents". Open "info.plist",
and to the LSItemContentTypes, add one entry for "public.php-script". Save it. In the terminal, type mdimport -r /System/Library/Spotlight/RichText.mdimporter
which will return with Asking the server to index files of type: ....
Now perform a spotlight search for "print" and watch php files roll in. --- Now for tpl. Check if tpl is a recognized extension. open a terminal and type mdimport -n -d1 myfile.tpl
where myfile. tpl actually exists. This returns something like Import 'myfile. tpl' type 'dyn.456fhj8679fhgjhdf' no mdimporter
This says two things:
- the extension "tpl" is mapped to "dyn.456fhj8679fhgjhdf" - there is nothing indexing "dyn.456fhj8679fhgjhdf"
To fix the first thing, we have to add a UTI for extension ".tpl"
To do this, I downloaded,
unzipped it, rightclicked, "show package contents". Open "info.plist", and added one entry for extension ".tpl", mapping it to "no.ez.template".
Then, I put the bundle in my Applications folder and rebooted. After rebooting, I opened a terminal and typed mdimport -n -d1 myfile.tpl
This returns something like Import 'myfile. tpl' type 'no.ez.template' no mdimporter
This says two things:
- the extension "tpl" is now mapped to "no.ez.template" - there is nothing indexing "no.ez.template" yet As with the php example, I edited /System/Library/Spotlight/RichText.mdimporter
I opened "info.plist", and to the LSItemContentTypes, added one entry for "no.ez.template". Then I went to the terminal and typed mdimport -r /System/Library/Spotlight/RichText.mdimporter
And in spotlight, I did a search for i18n(-php)
.. and waited for the templates to roll in ..
wow :-) *-pike
The class eZContentObjectTreeNode does.