Forums / General / Users and Roles

Users and Roles

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Betsy Gamrat

Monday 25 October 2004 7:34:39 am

My site has 4 different types of users. I'd like the anonymous user to be able to choose which type of user they register as. So, I'd like the user to be able to choose the type of user they are and use that to assign them to a group with the appropriate permissions.

I know the answer is probably on the site somewhere, but I can't find it!

Thank you,


Betsy Gamrat

Friday 08 April 2005 3:37:00 am

I solved this problem by allowing the anonymous user to create a custom user and assign it to a group (thank you eZ for suggesting this). If I had to do it all over again, I would probably use a separate site access for each different user to register.

Lior Solomon

Thursday 16 June 2005 7:06:03 am

sorry for the dumb question
i dont quite get it
how do i create a custom user class?
when i go through the admin interface to user class it only shows first last name and user name
can i add fields to this class?
how can i add another user types?
how will i integrate them to the ez permissions options?
lots of questions :(

Betsy Gamrat

Wednesday 29 June 2005 6:52:16 pm

You can create a new user class by copying the existing, default user class, or by creating a new one from scratch. You can add any fields you would like to your user class. Be sure to make the class a member of both the Content and User groups.

Now, allow the anonymous user create/edit privileges for that class, and provide an interface for the anonymous user to create the new user (templates or toolbars). This is code from a template:

<FORM action=/ez/index.php/plain/content/action method=post>
<INPUT type="submit" name=NewButton> 
<INPUT type=hidden value=8 name=NodeID>
<INPUT type=hidden value=custom_user name=ClassIdentifier></FORM>

The value=8 is the node id of the user group the new user will be assigned to.

The value=custom_user is the name of the object class that will be created.

Good luck!