Forums / General / User Sign Up ends up with "Fatal Error"..

User Sign Up ends up with "Fatal Error"..

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Florian Feigenbutz

Saturday 21 February 2004 6:25:04 am

Hi guys,
I'm currently working with eZ publish 3.3-2 (SVN 4764) and realized a few days ago that user sign up fails with a "fatal error"!
By sending out my user information I get the following output:
"Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in [mysite]/kernel/content/ezcontentoperationcollection.php on line 221
Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish it's request
The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below."

First I thought it was my error but a diff between my ezcontentoperationcollection.php and the original one in the release didn't find any difference!

Line 220-222 in the file are:
"$parentNode =& eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch( $nodeID );
$parentNodeID = $parentNode->attribute( 'node_id' );
$existingNode =& eZContentObjectTreeNode::findNode( $nodeAssignment->attribute( 'parent_node' ) , $object->attribute( 'id' ), true );"

I can't find an error.. as I tried to define $parentNode as a global variable at function start registration didn't fail but the user wasn't created :(
Can somebody help me? I suppose my php skills are not enough for this problem..


Tuesday 05 October 2004 3:38:35 pm

I have exactly this problem too!

The problem is in this line:
$parentNodeID = $parentNode->attribute( 'node_id' );

parentNode seems to be void....!!

ezpublish 3.4.1
php 4.3.9
linux 2.4.27 (slackware 9)

Frederik Holljen

Wednesday 06 October 2004 1:46:30 am

This does not seem to happen with the default installation, so there must be something triggering this bug. Can you try upgrading to 3.4.2 and see if the problem persists? (Otherwise, say a bit more about your configuration and file a bug report)