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Usability and SEO

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Uno Rodriguez

Friday 02 June 2006 7:39:10 pm

I am looking for the following functions, please help me out:

-Adding keywords
-Adding the <strong> tag without getting bold text
-Automated 'related links'
-Database functionality: comparing data, generating graphs,...

Is this possible with eZ Publish???


Mark Marsiglio

Saturday 03 June 2006 1:17:06 pm

You can add a Keywords attribute to any class, and then use the template code to fetch and display these keywords in the metadata. However, most search engines disregard meta keywords now in favor of the words use in the title and content of the page.

Non-bold strong:
You should be able to do this by just modifying the style for strong or bold in the stylesheets to make it say "font-weight: normal"

Automated related links:
Using the keywords attribute, it is possible to do this using instructions found here:
Last I checked, this is limited to items of the same class.

Generating Graphs/Comparing data:
Many customization options are available if you have PHP experience, and these do not sound like functions that are built into the CMS. eZ 3.8 has a content diff function for content managers to compare versions of the same piece of content for changes, but I am not sure what kind of comparison you are looking for. In the contributions and forums there are some integration ideas with jpgraph -

Good luck...
Turning Ideas Into Strategic Solutions

Uno Rodriguez

Saturday 03 June 2006 1:40:58 pm

Thanks for the reply,

I am looking for a way to dispaly data from the database in words and graphs.

ex. I insert data of two computer processors and the results can be viewed as numbers and in graphical form.

When looking ad proceesor "1" the option of comparing it with number "2" (or more)
should be shown.

This would require the "related links" option to compare relevant processors.
The code you suggest , would that need to be implemented manually on each occasion?

PS: your suggestion would eliminate the possibility of displaying bold text, I am looking to seperate the bold statement from strong wich should be possible with CSS.


Betsy Gamrat

Sunday 05 November 2006 1:26:07 pm

This is a helpful post. Thanks.

Juliusz Calyniuk

Monday 06 November 2006 2:18:24 am


Perhaps this article would be interesting:

Best regards

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