Forums / General / Urgent License Question

Urgent License Question

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Philipp Melab

Tuesday 16 March 2004 3:16:22 am

I want to create a website for a friends shop. I may use eZpublish CMS in this case for free, do I? I just customized the designs. Should/May I integrate links tu Or Some kind of "copyright by ez Systems"?

yours, Philipp

Alex Jones

Tuesday 16 March 2004 6:34:24 am

Philipp, you should be just fine. Check out the license at Basically, you need to ensure that you do not delete the eZ publish copyright data from the admin screens, don't try to sell it as something you created without giving proper credit... The page linked to above provides a pretty quick run-down of what you are allowed to do.


[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>