Forums / General / Updating translation.ts - heavy load w/cache-compile

Updating translation.ts - heavy load w/cache-compile

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Jonny Bergkvist

Thursday 02 February 2006 12:30:45 pm


I have a high-traffic mulitlingual site nor-NO+eng-GB, and I have created a translation-extension with my own translations in.

If I update an tpl-override-file, the caching and compile-system detects the update, and recaches/compiles only that file - no problem for the server!

If I update anything in my translation.ts-file ALL templates seems to need recaching/compile, and that overloads my server if done with traffic. I need to change apache-config to use apache RewriteCond to only allow my host to access my eZ-site, and recache the main pages. So it means a minute down-time or so...

Any1 else experienced these kind of problems when updating translation.ts? Any solution to this problem?

Jonny Bergkvist

Francisca Hernández

Friday 03 February 2006 2:52:40 am

Hi Jonny,

I have the same problem when I update anything in the translation.ts file.

How does the system detects and recompile only the files that you modified? Is there any setting for that?

Thanks in advance

Iguana IT, SL -

Jonny Bergkvist

Friday 03 February 2006 3:19:20 am


I think eZ automatically detects changed tpl-files and recached/recompiles them...