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sammie owen

Tuesday 16 May 2006 3:59:52 pm

The Free Software Directory is a project of the Free Software Foundation (FSF) and United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). We catalog useful free software that runs under free operating systems — particularly the GNU operating system and its GNU/Linux variants.

Ten most recently updated entries in the directory . . .

eZ publish - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2006-05-09 00:00:00.000
Content management system for e-commerce, e-publishing, and intranets/extranets.

just thought you guys need to know, that the UN has given you some credit.

way to go.

sadly i cant get eZ publish to install, so it looks like i am going to have to keep the crap i am using now. php-nuke :(

Tim Dickinson

Tuesday 16 May 2006 4:33:45 pm

What errors are you getting when trying to install eZpublish?
What software is your server running?
Linux? Apache? Which versions of PHP and which type and version of database - MySQL? Cpanel?

Should help someone (and possibly me) in solving your problems.

I'm no expert, but have been using it for a few years now (since 2.2) and it has always installed pretty smoothly for me having moved hosts and platforms a few times.

Tim - Ad network news and reviews - Website publisher guides, tools and news - Make better music

sammie owen

Tuesday 16 May 2006 5:10:16 pm

ok i have
php 4.4.1
MySQL 4.0.18
phpMyAdmin 2.7.0
perl, v5.8.3
on a FreeBSD server

it come back in the install that i have to chmod setting. var var/something but i can only chmod in numbers ie 777 755 and the rest, but when i did 777 for settings, it still says it is incorrect.
then i got Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish its request

The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.

Tim Dickinson

Tuesday 16 May 2006 5:48:28 pm

Have you tried running the script to set all the permissions?

Tim - Ad network news and reviews - Website publisher guides, tools and news - Make better music

sammie owen

Tuesday 16 May 2006 11:40:31 pm

whats that? i dont have Shell access,
my friend had a go and it failed to. i am just uploading the whole thing again because it compleated the install, but the database had errors, and the installer would'nt restart, so i have to upload everything again.

it's really is a shame, because it look like what i want, and it uses search engine friendly URL's and i am told it is easy to add things to it and i would have really like to try it out, but if i cant install it, i am not going to get that chance.

php-nuke does not do some of the basic things i would have thought a CMS would, ie: you cannot have the content listed in alfabetical order, only in created order, and that makes my site look cheap or a child has made it.

i can use html and php so this would have really been better for me

:( sammie

Tim Dickinson

Thursday 18 May 2006 5:14:43 am just automatically sets the chmod permissions to the files/folders in eZpublish.
Obviously not going to happen without shell access though - just means you have to do it manually as you were.

What database errors were you getting?

eZpublish is quite resource hungry as it's so powerful - does your host meet the requirements and have PHP memory of at least 12 mb?

Tim - Ad network news and reviews - Website publisher guides, tools and news - Make better music

sammie owen

Thursday 18 May 2006 12:21:58 pm

hi Tim
ok this is day 4 of trying to install 3.7.6 or 3.8 we have tried both 7 times now,
1st thing i'll tell you what we tried and results,

3.7.6 failed on install because off setting,

found the following :
If the following directories do not exist, please create them e.g. with your ftp program.







Please set the permission of the following directories to 777, e.g. with you ftp program.





Set the permissions of the following directories including ALL subdirectories to 777.



Set the permissions of the following files to 666.




<b> var/log/notice.log was missing</b>
var/cache/template/process also missing.</b>

makes me wonder what other files are missing.

<b>php_value magic_quotes_gpc 0

php_value register_globals 0</b> to the .htaccess file as the installer said

when going though the install, i pick corprate site, and then get this message:

<b>Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/asksam2c/public_html/ez376/kernel/classes/ezpackage.php on line 2098
Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish its request</b>

same error no matter what package you choose.

managed to get installer to 92% complete, but fails on last step, times out in IE and returns a blank page in FireFox
both make the database, but the site fails to be setup

<b>* EZSW-004Failed inserting data to mysql
Table 'ezapprove_items' already exists ------------<<<<<fixed this
* EZSW-040Failed to initialize site package 'corporate_site'<<<<<<<why this?</b>

the we did a manual install of 3.8 without the installer, site and database run, but with errors.
but now that returns to the setup wizard

ok i have
php 4.4.1
MySQL 4.0.18
phpMyAdmin 2.7.0
perl, v5.8.3
on a FreeBSD server
php memory is set to 30mb
i know this because the server will not play movies that are over 30mb, ie they play but end at 30mb into the movie

my host is <<a list of what i have on the host