Forums / General / Totally Remove Username

Totally Remove Username

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Matt Brady

Monday 26 February 2007 5:59:27 pm

I put a user into the system through a new user class that didn't work very well so I deleted it and tried to create as a std user, however when I try to do this I get the following error:

The draft could not be stored.
Required data is either missing or is invalid:
* User account: The username already exists, please choose another one.

Is there a way to totally remove the username record so that I can set this up again? I require the use of the actual username I have already created.

ezPublish 3.8.3 on Unix

It's not easy being easy.

Bruce Morrison

Monday 26 February 2007 7:58:20 pm

Hi Matt

The most common cause of this issue is that the original user still exists in the trash. Try empting the trash and trying again.


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Matt Brady

Monday 26 February 2007 8:20:42 pm

LOL. Thanks Bruce.
I was trying to over think that one :)
Better check my other sites... probably got quite full bins.

It's not easy being easy.