Saturday 26 July 2003 1:15:17 am
* Why does the 'News' page show up automatically in the site as the first page?
----------------------------------------- This you can configure in settings/site.ini
Under [SiteSettings] you find:
# Which page to show when the root index (/) is accessed IndexPage=/content/view/sitemap/2/ change it to your destination.
* How is the News page set to show the summaries of the news articles?
--------------------------------------- I assume you mean teh summary on frontpage which you click on "read more.." to .... yeah, read more:) If you go to the admin site you can see that each news is an article. Under settings in admin you can see the classes. Find article in classes, and what ID it has. In the demo, article has ID 2. Under design/demo/override/templates/node/view/ you can find the templates for each class. line_class_2.tpl is the file you are looking for. line_class is in other words the link for full page. The full page is full_class_2.tpl. line_class links to full class. The number _2 points to the class, in this case articles. Hope this is understandable, if not I will try and give you more step by step.
* Where are the templates for each section set? For example, how would I change the template of the News page?
--------------------------------- in design/demo/override/templates/ pagelayout_section_(number).tpl (number) is the section number wich you find in admin.
Another thing... in the first page of the admin where the folders are listed, what do they represent? Help!!!
------------------------------------ You see a tree view of your website. Try to imagine it like your windows explorer. Go to "Frontpage" (top left), and you can see the folders in "root". -Robin edit:typo's (a lot, and still some left :) )