Wednesday 06 April 2005 4:48:41 pm
Bård, Yes, my AMD K7 based PC has 512 Mb RAM. The rest of the hardware mostly consist of Ethernet card, a couple of Adaptec scsi and USB cards (currently attached to scsi Epson scanner, yamaha cdrw and usb digitalcamera), ide 60 Mb ATA HD and HP dvd writer, Pinnacle dvd-500 video editing card, Creative SB Audigy LS sound card installed. The latter should be supported in Alsa 1.0.7, while I think Alsa 1.0.5 was on the Mandrake based demo live cd.
However, I have a multiboot GRUB setup on this K7 PC of 5 installed OS: legacy Win98+2k, SJDS/Linux R2, SJDS/Linux R3 beta and Suse Linux 9.1Pro. So far I have only got the soundcard to work on Windows, not for any of the three Linux distros. Therefore I would neither think this should be a problem for the eZp demo live cd. As I mentioned, live demo cd's for JDS and Suse did work, while however I had problems with a NLD9 demo cd delievered from Linux-magagasinet.
I noticed the following last messages during the startup of eZp live cd before it stops:
(after building the file systems and probing scsi PCI controllers)
HW detect - Main:
AMD-756 to USB Open Host controller Failed!
(Adaptec modules were loaded)
HW detect: Starting Probeall
Probing devices. Here the startup process stops (hangs) The demo CD was burned on this PC on Win2k with Veritas RecordNow DX and Hp dvd writer. This has worked well before burning bootable install CDs for JDS/Linux. I veryfied there is nothing wrong with the demo CD, as I got another, little older AMD K6 PC to startup correct. I has less 384 Mb RAM, less hardware and disk, and is setup as a dualboot WinXP and JDS/Linux.
Is there available a quickstart or getting started guide for the Demo CD?
I encountered the following problems:
Admin interface:
User name and password to login? I tried to register, but was not able to enter correct mailadress, because "@" was typed as "2" (exponent, NO keyboard)?
Konqueror displayed near unreadable small fonts and would neither increase the fonts. Therefore I started eZ publish withe the included Mozilla/Firefox instead, which displayed and scaled font sizes ok. However the same "@" typing problem as for Konqueror.
I tried the WebDAV interface link from Firefox, but it didn't work and reported:
webdav is not a registered protocol. Isn't WebDAV supported or set up in Firefox? And does Opera 8 and Gnome2 Nautilus support WebDAV? Terje J. Hanssen