Forums / General / Testers wanted for fix of issue #9122

Testers wanted for fix of issue #9122

Author Message

Kristof Coomans

Wednesday 26 March 2008 4:55:02 am


We're looking for people to test the fixes for eZ Publish issue #9122: Empty TO mail header part violates RFC when running notifications ( ).

Because this part of the code depends on third party software (sendmail of your MTA or a SMTP server) it is impossible for us to test it properly in all possible configurations. However, we want to ensure that no problems will arise in the next sub releases of eZ Publish, therefore this call.

First ensure you have an installation running where the fixes for #9122 are applied (you will find the revision numbers in the issue report, see the link above).

In a comment to the issue report you will find a script meant for eZ Publish 4.x ( ). You can use this script to briefly test the fix. Please ensure that the email send out by the script arrives well at its destination and that there is only one To: header containing the text 'undisclosed-recipients: ;'.

After you tested, please put a comment in this forum topic including
- info on your mail configuration (smtp or sendmail),
- the name and version of the used MTA / SMTP server,
- and the used PHP version.


independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Felix Leimbach

Saturday 12 April 2008 12:24:08 am

Hello Kristof,

* Transport=SMTP
* postfix 2.4.5
* php-5.2.6-rc3

BEFORE applying the to be tested fix in #9122:
Mail arrives at with an empty To: in the header. Tested with the freemail provider and with own domain (postfix).
All looks normal and dandy in postfix logs

AFTER applying the to be tested fix:
Mail arrives with "To: undisclosed-recipients:;" as desired on both my test accounts.
Postfix is happy as always.

BUT one interesting observation which might be related:
The last day I sent notification emails for the first time (a couple thousands where queued) and I got those lines all over the postfix log:
warning: Illegal address syntax from mywebserver[] in RCPT command: <>
I still received those mails, though. Cannot look at the headers anymore as I deleted them all.

Hope that helps!

<blatant scam>
BTW, I'm still hoping someone from eZ will look at this pressing issue with 4.0.0:
</blatant scam>


Russell Michell

Wednesday 17 September 2008 8:08:08 pm

This is a little out of date but I've been having problems using "undisclosed-recipients" and so I ran the script test_email_bcc.php and got errors:

#> php test_email_bcc.php
undisclosed-recipients:;... List:; syntax illegal for recipient addresses
Error while sending email. Check the debug output or log files for more details

- info on your mail configuration (smtp or sendmail): sendmail
- the name and version of the used MTA / SMTP server: Sendmail 8.13.8
- and the used PHP version: 5.2.5

I also received the emails as well as receiving the error on the command line as above. Weird?

I'm not sure anyone will be looking at this thread, so will post as an issue and see how that goes. See:


Russell Michell, Wellington, New Zealand.
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Forex System Profi

Monday 22 December 2008 4:37:12 am

How can I become a tester?

Metatrader Expert ( ), Scalping Forex ( ), Forex Trading Systems ( )

laurent le cadet

Monday 02 February 2009 2:06:40 am


<i>First ensure you have an installation running where the fixes for #9122 are applied (you will find the revision numbers in the issue report, see the link above).</i>
Version: 3.10.1 (3.10.1)
RĂ©vision SVN: 22231.
I didn't applied any patch as the file to patch was rather different that what I saw in the patch file. I thought it was already "fixed".

<i>Please ensure that the email send out by the script arrives well at its destination and that there is only one To: header containing the text 'undisclosed-recipients: ;'.</i>

2 emails are send.
The first one to administrator from the server mailer daemon :
<b>The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----

The second one which is send to the correct reciever :
<b>To: undisclosed-recipients:;</b>

mail configuration (smtp or sendmail), : <b>sendmail</b>
used MTA / SMTP server, : <b>sendmail 8.13.1-3</b>
PHP version : <b>4.4.7</b>



Rene Hrdina

Tuesday 10 March 2009 9:03:02 am


fix does not work here.

Using EZ-Version 4.0.3 on a Linux 2.6.18-028stab057 apache webserver. More infos:

- info on your mail configuration (smtp or sendmail): sendmail
- the name and version of the used MTA / SMTP server: ESMTP Sendmail 8.13.8/8.13.8; Tue, 10 Mar 2009
- and the used PHP version: PHP 5.2.6 (cli) (built: Jan 15 2009 11:44:38)

The emails go out correctly but still i get:

----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
> undisclosed-recipients:;
> ----- Transcript of session follows -----
> 553 5.1.3 undisclosed-recipients:;... List:; syntax illegal for recipient addresses

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!