Forums / General / Template processing!

Template processing!

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Thomas Larsen

Monday 26 June 2006 2:45:44 am

I have a problem with the loadtime for a eZ website. When I have a lot of content on a page the load time is up to 8 sec. When I look at the timing points is the template processing who takes the 88 % of the time. (See below)

Timing points:
Checkpoint Elapsed Rel. Elapsed Memory Rel. Memory
Script start 0.0000 sec 0.2105 sec 1,557.8047KB 1,448.3750KB
Module start 'content' 0.2105 sec 8.0262 sec 3,006.1797KB 10,227.5938KB
Module end 'content' 8.2368 sec 0.3603 sec 13,233.7734KB 310.2344KB
End 8.5971 sec 13,544.0078KB 0.3030KB
Total runtime: 8.7196 sec
Time accumulators:
Accumulator Elapsed Percent Count Average
Load cache 0.1857 sec 2.0758% 15 0.0124 sec
Mysql Total
Mysql_queries 2.1401 sec 23.9181% 175 0.0122 sec
Looping result 0.0334 sec 0.3727% 173 0.0002 sec
TS translator
TS init 0.0908 sec 1.0150% 6 0.0151 sec
TS cache load 0.0205 sec 0.2292% 6 0.0034 sec
TS context load 0.0155 sec 0.1734% 6 0.0026 sec
Template Total 7.9082 sec 88.4% 3 2.6361 sec
Template load 0.0891 sec 0.9953% 3 0.0297 sec
Template processing 7.8176 sec 87.3707% 3 2.6059 sec
Template load and register function 0.0067 sec 0.0746% 1 0.0067 sec
Cache load 0.6217 sec 6.9486% 105 0.0059 sec
Sytem overhead
Fetch class attribute name 0.1291 sec 1.4430% 23 0.0056 sec
Instantiating content class attribute 0.0023 sec 0.0259% 20 0.0001 sec
Image XML parsing 0.2779 sec 3.1059% 14 0.0199 sec
Total script time: 8.9476 sec

When I look at the look at the list of templates I can see the same template is used several times, up to 12 times. As fare as I can see it’s not cachet so the eZ system have to get every template is used. I guess this is the main reason, besides sql-queries, where the load time is so high. I have tried to find the place where the php-codes get the templates, so I can cache it. Any one who knows where that output function(s) it?

Hop some one can help me.



Thomas Stage Larsen
System Developer

e : | m: +45 26 12 47 61 | eZ systems A/S | w:

Ɓukasz Serwatka

Monday 26 June 2006 11:06:12 pm

Make sure that your settings are following:


Check also permissions for var directory. Use also {cache-block} for your pagelayout optimization.

You should reduce count of SQL queries to 2-3.

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Massimiliano Bariola

Wednesday 28 June 2006 9:20:43 am

hi Lukas,

since you commented here, could you also have a look at this? I have a similar problem with 3.8.1 and can't find why. maybe you can give some help

thank you
