Forums / General / Template Overding in eZpubish 4.0

Template Overding in eZpubish 4.0

Author Message

John Smith

Thursday 03 April 2008 5:46:34 am

Hi there,

This afternoon, I installed version 4.0 with website interface extension. Just want to know what is best way to override some of the templates.

I am trying to do from the adminstration interface. It is not happening.

Do I need to create the newly override templates in "No extension" or "ezwebin"...

Stéphane Bullier

Thursday 03 April 2008 8:49:03 am


Override directly :
You have to modify templates into folder :

Or another solution :

You can create a design extension to override the standard design.
You have to modify this part in your site.ini.append.php of your public siteaccess :



Jérôme Vieilledent

Thursday 10 April 2008 1:02:27 pm

I always put my templates in a separate extension. It's clearer, in my opinion. You can have all your settings and design in your custom extension. It's easy to do...
Just create a folder in your extension directory and name it "myextension" for example :

--| myextension
----| design
------| mydesign
--------| templates <= Your pagelayout go here
--------| javascript
--------| stylesheets
--------| override
----------| templates <= Your override templates go here
----| settings
------| design.ini.append.php <= Mandatory to declare your extension as a design extension
------| siteaccess
--------| myfrontaccess
----------| site.ini.append.php <= Settings of your front website. Put your other ini files here (content.ini...)
--------| myadminaccess

Of course you have to declare your extension in settings/override/site.ini.append.php

Hope this will help...