Forums / General / Stopping article pagination?

Stopping article pagination?

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Brad Foggon

Sunday 31 July 2005 6:39:22 pm

I'm still fairly new to eZpublish and am still having trouble to understand how it fully works (even after reading many articles), but was just wondering how to stop the pagination of articles in different sections .. you can see an example of this here:

So I basically just want all the articles listed on one page.

Thanks in advance,

Łukasz Serwatka

Sunday 31 July 2005 11:23:14 pm

Hi Brad,

If other folders in this section will the same template than you can remove code which include google.tpl template

 {include name=navigator

Remove also "limit" from hash() in your fetch function.

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Brad Foggon

Monday 01 August 2005 11:22:17 pm

Where is the fetch function so I can remove the "limit" form hash()? I got the google pagination to disappear, however the articles that would be showing on page 2 are not being moved onto page 1. I'm guessing removing this limit will fix that, or am I mistaken?

David Eriksson

Tuesday 02 August 2005 12:38:06 am

The fetch is usually at the top of the template.


Brad Foggon

Tuesday 02 August 2005 4:29:14 pm

At the top of which template .. and do I just delete the "limit" from the hash() function?

ie. hash(blah, limit, blah, blah) -> hash(blah, blah, blah)?

Łukasz Serwatka

Tuesday 02 August 2005 11:04:01 pm

Prodably this is template
design\base\override\templates\full\folder.tpl, then search for

list_items=fetch_alias( children, hash( parent_node_id, $node.node_id,
                                                             offset, $view_parameters.offset,
                                                             sort_by, $node.sort_array,
                                                             limit, $page_limit ) )}  <- remove this limit

I suggest to take TSCM tutorial, it is very usefull at the beginning. Read also about fetch "function" and "list".

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