Forums / General / Something about image.ini

Something about image.ini

Author Message

Sam Leung

Friday 27 August 2004 7:40:19 am

When I use setup INI and choosed image.ini, something I don't understand. What is the different between 'default', 'siteaccess' and 'override'? How can I change the value of default? Thanks for your kindly helps!

Paul Borgermans

Friday 27 August 2004 7:49:02 am

default -> settings/image.ini
override -> settigns/override/image.ini.append(.php)
siteaccess -> settings/<your chosen siteaccess>/image.ini.append(.php)

override applies to all siteaccesses you have
siteaccess only for a specific siteaccess (unless also specified in the override)
default: if it cannot be found in one of the two above



eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Sam Leung

Saturday 28 August 2004 5:48:40 am

Thank you very much!! You reply give me a great help! :D