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Some progress with Amazon E-Commerce Service

Author Message

Geraint Edwards

Wednesday 18 May 2005 3:18:24 am

You can perform a simple search with the following code:

// Require the necessary libraries

// Create a SOAP request
$client=new eZSOAPClient("","/onca/soap?Service=AWSECommerceService");
$request=new eZSOAPRequest("ItemSearch","");

$request->addParameter('Keywords',"data on the web");
$request->addParameter("SubscriptionId","PUT YOUR ID HERE");

// look at the payload for test purposes
print $request->payload();

// Send the request to get back a response object
$response = $client->send($request);

if( $response->isFault() ) {
    return false;
else print ($response->DOMDocument->toString())

Looking at the WDSL the keywords and searchindex paramaters should be part of a complex type. This doesn't appear to be supported in ezsoap at present but is easily accomodated.

If we add a "type" variable to ezsoapparameter.php

      Sets the complextype name.
    function setType($type)
        $this->Type = $type;
      Returns the parameter complextype.
    function &type()
        return $this->Type;

     /// The type of parameter is its complex
    var $Type;

We can use this in the encoding step of ezsoaprequest.


      Adds a new parameter to the request. You have to provide a prameter name
      and value - also a complex-type name
    function addComplexParameter( $name, $complextype, $value )
	$param =& new eZSOAPParameter( $name, $value );
	$this->Parameters[] = $param;


encodeValue gets a new parameter (type) so I change the call to it in payload() to:

$param =& $this->encodeValue( $parameter->name(), $parameter->value(), $parameter->type() );

I then add a new case to the encodeValue function

	    // probably a complextype - needs more error checking!
            case "object" :
                $node =& eZDOMDocument::createElementNode( $name );
                $attr =& eZDOMDocument::createAttributeNode( "type", "tns:".$type );
                $attr->setPrefix( EZ_SOAP_XSI_PREFIX );
                $node->appendAttribute( $attr );

	        // add the request parameters
		foreach ($value->Parameters as $prm)
	           unset( $subNode );
                   $subNode =& $this->encodeValue( $prm->name(), $prm->value(), $prm->type() );
                   $node->appendChild( $subNode );
	        $returnValue =& $node;
            } break;

I don't know much PHP so don't know how to do the error checking here - any suggestions welcome. Also note that the "tns" is hard coded here - not sure is this is important (I'm at the edges of my understanding at this stage)?

Our original function call now changes to

// Require the necessary libraries

$client=new eZSOAPClient("","/onca/soap?Service=AWSECommerceService");

$SubscriptionId="PUT YOUR ID HERE";

$Keywords="data on the web";

$complexRequest=&new eZSOAPRequest("ItemSearchRequest","");

$request=new eZSOAPRequest("ItemSearch","");

print $request->payload();

// Send the request to get back a response object
$response =  $client->send($request);

if( $response==false) {
    print "error";
else print ($response->DOMDocument->toString())

Both versions of the code produce the same results but thesecond is more inline with the WDSL's suggestions in my opinion.

On a separate note:

I took a look at the useful article on phpPatterns ( about using the WDSL.

The generated functions don't appear to work since ezsoaprequest doesn't take SOAP_Value type parameters. Maybe something to incorporate at a future date - also the complex type issue arises again.


Andrew Vorobyov

Saturday 28 May 2005 10:37:06 pm


kracker (the)

Sunday 29 May 2005 1:07:04 pm

More than cool, <i>kickin'</i>

Where is Geraint now? We need more people like him in the community!

Wow, Wow...Wow!


<i>sole : theme</i>

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