Forums / General / Smile eZ Eclipse Plugin - view classes and permission

Smile eZ Eclipse Plugin - view classes and permission

Author Message

Mirko Battisti

Wednesday 14 May 2008 1:07:54 am


I have tried smile ez plugin (which I think is marvellous) before, and it worked fine.
Now I am working on a new install of ezpublish and I have a problem, which is not caused by the extension itself, but (I think) by wrong permission on some files.

What happen is, when I try to see if the extension works well, checking the url:

instead if seeing the xml tree with the classes, I get promped for the admin username/password. Once I do that, I see the xml file.
Problem is Eclipse is not a web browser, so when I try to see the classes from there it don't promp for username/password, it simply doesn't show the classes after some (long) wainting. I think it has to do with permission on some folder/file.

The question is: is there any file/folder that should have particular permissions in order to make "Smile ez - view classes" work without prompting for admin username/password? I tried to compare the two installs, the one where the plugin work and the one where it doesn't: the extension folder looks the same, but other than that there are way too many folders/files, and I'd like to narrow down my research (also to understand how the extension work - I don't like the idea of copying permissions without knowing what I'm doing).

any ideas?
Thanks in advance,


Mirko Battisti

Wednesday 14 May 2008 2:14:18 am

Sorry guys.
I checked a few more things and I realized that we have other permission problems, not only related to the smile ez plugin.
So I guess I have to solve those problems before thinking about smile ez.

Sorry if I wasted your time,