Forums / General / Siteaccess Roles and Permissions.

Siteaccess Roles and Permissions.

Author Message

John Smith

Monday 06 February 2006 2:21:41 am

hi there,

Hope someone can help me.

On my site i am trying to set up two users
1. Administrator
2. User

for one folder named as "Work" so that they can access the specified folder after logging in.

On the public site, I want administrator and user to access the folder "work" with other site content after logging in, but on the same end I want administrator to view only that folder "work", not other folders in the administration interface.

Is it possible.?

Cheers in advance.


sangib das

Monday 20 February 2006 3:00:18 am

hi john
It is possible .
Just can I know where you want to create your "work "
directory in Public and Admin Interface.
Then I can give some suggestion